Ad Ardua Ad Astra

Raaf rcaf nebo rnzaf používání tohoto motta pocházejícího z latiny se datuje od roku 1912 kdy začalo být používáno nově vznikajícími royal flying corps.
Ad ardua ad astra. Through adversity to the stars. Per ardua ad astra is a latin phrase meaning through adversity to the stars or through struggle to the stars that is the official motto of the royal air force and other commonwealth air forces such as the royal australian air force and royal new zealand air force as well as the royal indian air force until 1947 the royal canadian air force used it until 1968 when it adopted the motto sic. American singer rapper dancer actress and songwriter kiely williams has per aspera ad astra tattooed on her right forearm. Per ardua ad astra is a latin phrase meaning through adversity to the stars 1 or through struggle to the stars 2 that.
Also used in h. The phrase is used by latin poet virgil in the aeneid. Sic itur ad astra thus one journeys to the stars and opta ardua pennis astra sequi desire to pursue the high hard to reach stars on wings. Per ardua ad astra.
Per aspera ad astra atau ad astra per aspera adalah sebuah kalimat dalam bahasa latin yang memiliki arti. Is the refrain of the song aspera by erin mckeown on the album we will become like birds. Per ardua ad astra is the motto of the royal air force and roughly translated means through adversity to the stars. Per aspera ad astra.
Through hardships to the stars. Menuju bintang melalui jerih payah ini adalah motto negara bagian amerika serikat. Per ardua ad astra česky přes nepřízeň osudu ke hvězdám popř přes překážky ke hvězdám je oficiální motto raf a ostatních vzdušných sil spadajících pod území commonwealthu jako např. Non est ad astra mollis e terris via there is no easy way from the.
Through difficulties to the stars. State of kansas and of several schools. Motto of the royal royal australian and royal new zealand air forces the u. The phrase has origins with virgil who wrote in his aeneid.
It was as a 16 year old i joined up in early february 1980 and set off for my basic training at raf swinderby near lincoln. Per ardua ad astra definition. Now only a stone memorial built in the shape of a hangar and carrying the raf slogan per ardua ad astra through adversity to the stars remains although plenty of old pictures adorn the aeroclub de saint omer clubhouse. Another origin is seneca the younger who wrote in hercules.
Ad astra is a latin phrase meaning to the stars.