Astra Film Lab
Astra film lab is a four day project based intensive program taking place concurrently with astra film festival online consisting of mentoring roundtable discussions one to one meetings and a public pitch in front of an audience of industry.
Astra film lab. Astra film lab is a project development program for filmmakers to develop and strengthen their creative documentaries. Astra film lab is a four day project development program for creative documentaries a lab for filmmakers to develop and strengthen their projects. Nikolay stefanov bulgaria. As far as i can recall din câte îmi amintesc.
Astra film lab este un workshop intensiv de patru zile bazat pe proiecte ce are loc în același timp cu festivalul astra film din sibiu românia și constă în programe de mentoring discuții întâlniri one to one și un pitch public în fața unei audiențe constituite din reprezentanți ai industriei. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. No place for you in our town. Heavy roots legături.
Astra film lab call for submissions. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Ileana gabriela szasz romania. Politica de utilizare cookie uri preluarea datelor cu caracter personal anpc.
Astra film lab is a project development program for creative documentaries a space for filmmakers to develop and strengthen their projects. The astra film lab program is structured into three separate events which will give the opportunity to ten projects to meet potential partners and receive feedback on their documentary films. It is a four day project based intensive program taking place concurrently with astra film festival consisting of workshops mentoring from industry experts one to one meetings and a public pitch to an audience of industry representatives. Jacopo marzi italy romania.