Brad Pitt Film 2019 Ad Astra

Ad astra latin for to the stars is a 2019 american psychological science fiction drama film produced co written and directed by james gray starring brad pitt tommy lee jones ruth negga liv tyler and donald sutherland it follows an astronaut who ventures into space in search of his lost father whose experiment threatens the solar system.
Brad pitt film 2019 ad astra. Hollywood miatt de nem nagyon érdekli. Brad pitt was quite the method actor on the set of director co writer james gray s daddy issues in space odyssey ad astra especially when it came to crying. Během natáčení závěrečné scény rozhovoru roye brad pitt a jeho otce t. Brad pitt in james gray s epic ad astra.
Directed by james gray. Ad astra official trailer 2019 brad pitt tommy lee jones adventure movie hd subscribe to rapid trailer for all the latest movie trailers. With brad pitt tommy lee jones ruth negga donald sutherland. Headed for a september 20.
Jones u neptunu se brad natolik vžil do role že mu začali neplánovaně téct slzy. B rad pitt is an intergalactic captain willard taking a fraught mission up river in james gray s ad astra an outer space apocalypse now which played to rapt crowds at the venice film festival. Brendan n super reviewer. Szerinte fontosabb egy díjnál hogy a film jó legyen és akár 10 év múlva is.
Brad pitt komoly oscar esélyes az ad astra és a volt egyszer egy. The majority of ad astra s runtime is taken up by brad pitt narrating environmental cosmic shots. Jediný rozdíl je v upravených záplatách aby vyhovovaly space comm kostýmům v ad astra. 20th century fox allstar pitt s tormented astronaut goes in search of his long lost father in james gray s.
Pitt is incredible in the lead and he anchors the film. Astronaut roy mcbride undertakes a mission across an unforgiving solar system to uncover the truth about his missing father and his doomed expedition that now 30 years later threatens the universe.